MHDSS Data Sharing Survey - Get Involved!

Do you use the NHS? This is your chance to take part in a survey to help researchers understand your views on sharing health data for research purposes.

Mental Health Data Science Scotland (MHDSS) is currently running a survey to understand the UK's views on sharing health data for research purposes.

  • Do you use the NHS?
  • Are you 16 or over?

If you answered yes to the above questions you are eligible to complete the survey. You can take part by clicking the link below:

MHDSS Data Sharing Survey

If you decide to take part, you will be asked a short series of questions about your views on sharing health data for research purposes. You will then be asked for some details about your physical and mental health, as well as about any NHS services you have accessed. Finally there will be a few questions about you, such as your age and ethnicity.

The below video gives a little more detail on what would be involved should you choose to take part: