We understand that our questionnaires discuss topics that may be upsetting. If you find you need support for any of the questions asked, take a look at these support pages. Support for adults Mental Health Mind provide a guide to taking the first steps to seeking mental health support. They can help you make empowered decisions and get the right support for you. Seeking help for a mental health problem No matter what you or your family are going through, the Samaritans are waiting for your call. You can get in touch with them at 116 123 for free. They're open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Learn more about them using the link below: Samaritans: We're waiting for your call We all have mental health. Every Mind Matters understands that. So, they've set up a website to provide you with expert advice, practical tips and support. Every Mind Matters: Mental Health Issues Think you or a family member may have a mental health condition but aren't sure how to identify it? NHS Inform can help you learn about various mental health conditions and the treatments available. They also provide some fantastic self help guides for people with mild-to-moderate mental health symptoms. NHS Inform: Mental Health It helps to talk to someone when our thoughts and feelings overwhelm us. The Breathing Space helpline is open 24 hours on weekends and 6pm - 2am on weekdays. It's available for anyone in Scotland over the age of 16. All calls are confidential 0800 83 85 87. Learn more about Breathing Space below: Breathing Space Do you need guidance for supporting your son or daughter's mental health? Every Mind Matters has some great suggestions to help support children and young people, with the aim to give them the best chance to stay mentally healthy. Looking after a child or young person's mental health Still not finding the information you need? Whether you're seeking support, looking for information or just need a chat, SAMH can help. Their phone lines are open from 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday. They can be called on 0344 800 0550. Alternatively, you can e-mail them at info@samh.org.uk. Learn more: SAMH Information Service Sexual Health Are you part of the LGBT community, or know someone who is, and need support? No matter the question, Stonewall is there to provide advice across the UK. Their information service is available by freephone, 0800 0502020 Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm. You can also find more information on their website. Stonewall: Help and Advice Lots of people have questions about sex, sexual health, relationships, pregnancy and more. If you live in Scotland and ever need to speak to someone, you can call Sexual Health Scotland's Information line for free on 0800 22 44 88. They also have lots of helpful tips and advice on their website. Sexual Health Scotland: How can we help? Looking for sexual health advice and live elsewhere in the UK? FPA: the sexual health company have a free sexual health line. You can call them on 0300 123 7123. You can also find more information on their website. FPA: The Sexual Health Company Can't find the support you need in our recomendations? The NHS website answers some of the most frequently asked questions and can point you in the right direction for advice and support. Where can I get sexual health advice, now? Addiction Smoking Would you like to give up smoking? NHS stop smoking services are one of the best ways to help you quit smoking for good. Your GP can refer you or you can phone a local stop smoking service. In Scotland, the number to call is 0800 84 84 84 or you can find stop smoking services at the link below. NHS Inform: Local stop smoking services If you live in England, Wales or Northern Ireland, you can find the phone numbers and websites of local services to you at the link below. NHS stop smoking services help you quit Alcohol Are you worried that you're drinking too much? Alcohol Change UK have a quiz to assess how healthy your drinking is, so you can understand whether you need to cut back. They also have lots of advice, support and links to further help information. Alcohol Change UK: Get help now Your GP should always be the first person you contact if you have a drinking problem. However, you may not feel comfortable doing this straight away, and that's ok. Drinkline is a free confidential helpline you can call if you're concerned about your drinking, or someone elses. You can call them on 0300 123 1110 (weekdays 9am–8pm, weekends 11am–4pm). If you feel you need treatment and support for alcohol addiction, you can ask your GP about local services or check your local authority website to see what services available. In Scotland, you can search for local services on NHS Inform. NHS Inform: Scotland's Service Directory If you live elsewhere in the UK, you can check for local services on the NHS website. Find alcohol addiction services If you're looking for further help and support, you can contact Alcoholics Anonymous by freephone on 0800 9177650 or by email at help@aamail.org. You can also find a local Alcoholics Anonymous meeting by visiting their website. Alcoholics Anonymous Carers Caring for a loved one can be both rewarding and challange. Sometimes the challenges become a little too much and that's ok. You're not alone and support is available. Carers UK has a freephone telephone helpline available Monday to Friday, 9am - 6pm. You can call them on 0808 808 7777 or you can email them anytime at advice@carersuk.org. You can find further information and advice on their website. Home - Carers UK If you'd like to find local support, Carers Trust have a great search tool to help you find services near you. Find support in your area If you're ever looking for helpful tips and advice about caring for someone, the NHS provides answers to the most frequently asked questions. Practical tips if you care for someone If you'd like information on the benefits available for carers and more information on carer cafes and support groups, take a look at the Citizens Advice website for further information. Carers: help and support Support for young people Mental Health If you're struggling with how you feel, you're not alone! Young Minds are experts in giving support to people like you. They have a free textline that's open 24/7. If you want to start the conversation but are nervous about talking to someone, text YM to 85258. Young Minds also have lots of information on their website. Young Minds: We are here for you If you'd like to speak to someone about how you feel, Childline provide support to anyone under the age of 19. You can call them for free on 0800 11 11. They also have some advice that you can use right now! Answer their 'How are you feeling?' question for little tasks that you can do to support your mood each day. Childline: Getting support and feeling better No matter what you or your friends are dealing with, the Samaritans are waiting for your call. You can get in touch with them at 116 123 for free. They're open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Learn more about them on their website. Samaritans: We're waiting for your call Need a bit of self-care but not sure how to do it? Every Mind Matters has some tips on how to make yourself feel good and improve your overall mental well-being. Mental health and self-care for young people Think you or a family member may have a mental health condition but aren't sure how to identify it? NHS Inform can help you learn about lots of mental health conditions and the treatments available. They also provide some fantastic self help guides for people with mild-to-moderate mental health symptoms. NHS Inform: Mental Health Sexual Health Are you part of the LGBT community or know someone who is and need support? No matter the question, Stonewall is there to provide provides advice across the UK. Their information service is available by freephone, 0800 0502020 Monday to Friday 9.30am - 4.30pm. You can also find more information available on their website. Stonewall: Help and Advice Got a question about your sexual health or relationships? Ask brook is a handy online tool that helps you find the answers to the most commonly asked sexual health questions. Check it out using the link below. Ask brook Want support from Brook services local to you? Find one on their website using the link below. Find a service Sexwise is here to give honest advice about sexual health to young people across the UK. They provide links to lots of other useful websites and services too! Sexwise: Let's talk about sex! Want to talk through your sexual health concerns with someone over the phone? You can call Worth Talking About on 0300 123 2930 for free and confidential advice. Can't find the support you need in our recomendations? The NHS website answers some frequently asked questions and can point you in the right direction for advice and support. Where can I get sexual health advice, now? Bullying If you're a victim of bullying, you're not alone. There is support available for you. Young Minds have a dedicated page for bullying support. They provide good advice for lots of types of bullying and give details of people available to contact. Find out more on their website. Young Minds: Bullying Want to talk to Young Minds about the bullying you or a friend is experiencing? Text YM to 85258. If you'd rather speak to someone about you or a friends experiences, you can call Childline between 9am and midnight any day of the year on 0800 11 11. You can also find some great advice right now on their website. Chlidline: Bullying, abuse, safety and the law The Children's Society also has a great walkthrough of how to deal with bullying. Read their guide at the website below. The Children's Society: Bullying Body Image Sometimes, we worry about how we look and what others think about us. If you're struggling with your body image, take a look at Young Minds body image guide for young people. A guide for young people: Body image Want to talk to Young Minds about your body image questions? Text YM to 85258. Want some more helpful tips for a postive body image? The Children's Society has some great advice! Top tips for a positive body image Young carers If you're a young carer, talking to your friends and family about any issues you're facing can be really helpful. If you're finding it hard to talk to family and want a confidential conversation you can call Childline on 0800 11 11. Want to talk to others like you? Action for Children can put you in touch with other young carers and give you the break you need. Action for Children: Young carers If you live in Scotland, you can find local young carer support by visiting Care Information Scotland website. Care Information Scotland: Carer centres Need an event to lift your spirits? Every year The Children's Society partners with the YMCA Fairthorne Group to host the largest Young Carers Festival. Keep up to date on the latest news about the next festival by visiting their website. Young Carers Festival Addiction Smoking The younger you start smoking the more damaging it can be. It's not all bad news though, you can stop with the help of the NHS! Take a look at their quit smoking fact sheet in the link below. Under 18's guide to quitting smoking Drinking Alcohol can have an effect on your mental health. It might make you feel better for a short time but drinking can actually make you feel worse. Young Minds have some great advice on their website about why it might be a good idea to stop drinking. A guide for young people: Drugs and alcohol Want to talk to Young Minds about your drinking? Text YM to 85258. If you think your drinking is getting out of control it's best to speak your GP. However, this might feel difficult. Young Minds understand this also have some useful information on how you might approach your GP for support. A guide for young people: How to speak to your GP This article was published on 2024-05-06