TeenCovidLife: Survey 2 Results

Over 2,000 TeenCovidLife volunteers took part in our second survey and our first results are out now. Read about them here.

Please contact us at genscot@ed.ac.uk for a screen readable version

TeenCovidLife 2 is our second TeenCovidLife survey about the health and wellbeing of young people. We felt it was important for young people to be able to have their say on the COVID-19 pandemic. They told us about how the pandemic affected their lives and what it meant to them. The survey included questions about vaccines, exams, wellbeing and COVID-19 measures.

Thank you to all of the TeenCovidLife volunteers who took part in our second survey. 2,232 young people got involved! We have 2 reports covering everything you need to know. 

For the general report, click the link below:



We also have a report specific to those who received SQA results this year. We wanted to know what they thought about how grading was handled. Read more in the report below:



We also made an infographic of the results, which you can see to the right. The larger pdf version is available below:
