TeenCovidLife: The results are in

Over 5,000 young people in Scotland took part in our TeenCovidLife survey. We've brought together the first set of results. Read all about them here.

Infographics of findings. For a screen readable version please contact genscot@ed.ac.uk
For a larger version, click the 'TeenCovidLife Survey 1 Findings Infographic' link in the text

From 22nd May - 5th July 2020, we invited young people, aged 12-17, across Scotland to take part in TeenCovidLife. It's an online survey about health and wellbeing. It provides a voice for young people. They told us about how lockdown affected them. The survey included questions about social distancing, home schooling and cancelled exams.

We've been amazed by the response. Over 5,000 young people took part. We've brought together the volunteer answers into three different reports. We're happy to share these with you all. We hope you find the results as interesting as we do!

We've made an infographic of some of the results. You can see it in the image to the right. The larger pdf version is below:



There is also a one page report available. It talks about the key findings of the study. You can read it below:



The full report talks about all the results we've found so far. The results are in tables and graphs. We've not had a chance to study the data in detail. We hope to begin understanding it further in the near future. To read the report, click the link below:



TeenCovidLife Survey is part of a series of studies. The Generation Scotland team, with support from the Wellcome Trust, run it. We worked together with the the Schools Health and Wellbeing Improvement Research Network (SHINE), based at the University of Glasgow. We'd like to thank the Wellcome Trust and SHINE for their continued support.

To learn more about the Wellcome Trust and SHINE, you can visit their websites.


Wellcome Trust