What Do We Do?

Generation Scotland is a research study looking at the health and wellbeing of volunteers and their families.

Grandfather with arm around granddaughter

We are Generation Scotland: Scotland’s largest family health study exploring the health and wellbeing of people in Scotland. We recruited our first volunteers back in 2006 and have come a long way since, with 36,000+ participants from all over Scotland as of 2024.

We work hard to facilitate essential research into health and wellbeing, including topics such as mental health, dementia, cancer, chronic pain, the genetics of disease and much more. We do this by acting as a bridge between two key groups:

  • Volunteers, who answer questionnaires, give samples for genetic testing and allow permission for data linkage to NHS and other records
  • Researchers, who can apply to access specific parts of our volunteers’ data via our rigorous application process

We combine the information provided by our volunteers with innovative laboratory science to create a rich evidence base for understanding health.

Through this rigorous, ethical and safe approach to research, we seek to enable meaningful change in public health.

By joining today, you can help us learn about tomorrow.

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